Programmabilité réseaux avec Python
Formation créée le 27/12/2021. Dernière mise à jour le 27/08/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
The Programming for Network Engineers (PRNE) v2.0 course is designed to equip you with fundamental skills in Python programming. Through acombination of lectures and lab experience, you will learn to use Python basics to create useful and practical scripts with Netmiko to retrieve data andconfigure network devices.
Objectifs de la formation
- Create a Python script
- Describe data types commonly used in Python coding
- Describe Python strings and their use cases
- Describe Python loops, conditionals, operators, and their purposes and use cases
- Describe Python classes, methods, functions, namespaces, and scopes
- Describe the options for Python data manipulation and storage
- Describe Python modules and packages, their uses, and their benefits
- Explain how to manipulate user input in Python
- Describe error and exception management in Python
- Describe Python code debugging methods
Profil des bénéficiaires
Pour qui
- Network administrators
- Network engineers with little or no programming or Python experience
- Network managers
- Systems engineers
- Familiarity with Cisco IOS®-XE software or other Cisco network device configuration and operation skills
- Basic network management knowledge
- Cisco CCNA® certification or equivalent knowledge
Contenu de la formation
Introducing Programmability and Python for Network Engineers
Scripting with Python
Examining Python Data Types
Manipulating Strings
Describing Conditionals, Loops, and Operators
Exploring Classes, Methods, Functions, Namespaces, and Scopes
Exploring Data Storage Options
Exploring Python Modules and Packages
Gathering and Validating User Input
Analyzing Exceptions and Error Management
Examining Debugging Methods
Course Summary
Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Certificat de réalisation de l’action de formation.
Ressources techniques et pédagogiques
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
- Documents supports de formation projetés.
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.
Capacité d'accueil
Entre 2 et 10 apprenants