Cisco - SDAFND
Understanding Cisco SDA Fundamentals
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Training created on 1/24/22. Last update on 8/4/23.
Programme version: 1
Training programme
Understanding Cisco SDA Fundamentals (SDAFND) v1.0 introduces you to Cisco® Software-Defi ned Access and teaches you to implementsingle-site fabric networks. SDAFND will teach you the benefi ts of leveraging Software-Defi ned Access in the Cisco-powered Enterprise Campus network, introduce thesolution, and teach you to design and deploy simple Cisco SD-Access networks.
Objectives of the training
- Describe Cisco SD-Access architecture and its components
- Explain Cisco DNA Center deployment models, scaling, and high availability
- Identify Cisco SD-Access fabric protocols and node roles
- Understand the Cisco SD-Access Wireless deployment models
- Automate Day 0 device onboarding with Cisco DNA Center LAN Automation and Network PnP
- Deploy simple Cisco SD-Access fabric networks
- Monitor health and performance of the network with Cisco DNA Center Assurance
- Interact with the Cisco DNA Center Platform Intent APIs
Profile of beneficiaries
- Field engineers
- Network engineers
- Network administrators
- System engineers
- CCNP® level core networking knowledge
- Ability to use Windows and Linux CLI tools such as ping, SSH, or running scripts
Training content
Introducing Cisco SD-Access
Introducing Cisco DNA Center
Exploring Cisco SD-Access Solution Components
Exploring Cisco SD-Access Wireless Architecture
Automating Network Changes with Cisco DNA Center
Deploying Fabric Networks with Cisco DNA Center
Exploring Cisco DNA Center Assurance
Exploring Cisco DNA Center Programmability
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Certificat de réalisation de l’action de formation.
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
- Documents supports de formation projetés.
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.