Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks using Cisco ThousandEyes v1.0
Taux de satisfaction :
(2 avis)
Formation créée le 19/11/2021. Dernière mise à jour le 04/08/2023.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
The Implementing and Troubleshooting Networks Using Cisco ThousandEyes (ENTEIT) v1.0 course is designed to familiarize you with Cisco ThousandEyes.Through a combination of lectures and hands-on experience, you will learn to implement and configure the Cisco ThousandEyes solution, perform root causeanalysis when troubleshooting, and configure with different test types.
Objectifs de la formation
- Describe the Cisco ThousandEyes solution and its high-level use cases
- Identify different types of ThousandEyes agents and supported tests
- Describe different Enterprise Agent deployment options, requirements, and procedures for agent deployment
- Describe different ThousandEyes test types
- Compare Thousand Eyes web layer tests
- Describe the role of an Endpoint Agent
- Deploy and Configure an Endpoint Agent
- Utilize ThousandEyes when performing the root cause analysis
- Discuss the challenges that ThousandEyes Internet Insights can address
- Describe the role and configuration of default and custom alerts
- Distinguish between usability of dashboards and reports
- Utilize ThousandEyes to monitor solutions end-to-end
- Describe how to perform system administration
Profil des bénéficiaires
Pour qui
- Network administrators
- Network engineers
- Network managers
- System engineers
- Basic understanding of network fundamentals
- Basic understanding of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), HTTP, SSL, andDNS protocol
Contenu de la formation
Introducing Cisco ThousandEyes
Introducing Cisco ThousandEyes Agents and Tests
Deploying Enterprise Agents
Describing ThousandEyes Routing, Network DNS, and Voice Tests
Describing Cisco ThousandEyes Web Tests
Introducing Endpoint Agents
Deploying Endpoint Agents
Troubleshooting with Cisco ThousandEyes
Using Internet Insights
Configuring Alerts
Customizing Dashboarbs and Reports
Monitoring Solutions
Administrating the System
Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Certificat de réalisation de l’action de formation.
Ressources techniques et pédagogiques
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.(en présentiel)
- Documents supports de formation projetés en Anglais
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.
Qualité et satisfaction
Taux de satisfaction des apprenants
(2 avis)
Capacité d'accueil
Entre 2 et 10 apprenants