CISCO - Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies
Formation créée le 08/07/2022. Dernière mise à jour le 04/08/2023.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco® Technologies (IMINS2) is a lab-intensive course, which helps students with the skills required to successfully implement and troubleshoot the most common industry standard protocols while leveraging best practices needed in Security and Wireless technologies for today's industrial networks. The IMINS2 course, developed in conjunction with Rockwell Automation, helps plant administrators, control system engineers and traditional network engineers in the manufacturing, process control, and oil and gas industries, who will be involved with the convergence of IT and Industrial networks. This course is job-role specific and enables you to achieve competency and skills to configure, maintain, and troubleshoot industry standard network protocols as well as wireless and security technologies to ensure that current infrastructures are maximized while developing a converged platform for flexibility to support future business outcomes. Students will be exposed to multiple industrial network technologies as well as products from Cisco and other industrial suppliers including Rockwell Automation.
Objectifs de la formation
- Understand the functions of the OSI Layers and TCP/IPModel and recognize the difference between Enterprise and Industrial Networks.
- Troubleshoot common issues found in Layers 1,2,3 of the OSI Model.
- Describe the functions and components of EterNet/IP Protocols.
- Configure and troubleshoot CIP on Cisco and Stratix Switches
- Describe the functions and components of the PROFINET protocol
- Configure PROFINET protocols on Cisco Industrial Ethernet Devices
- Troubleshoot common PROFINET issues
- Identify common network threats and resolutions and configure basic security components (Access lists and AAA features).
- Configure a Wireless Network within an Industrial environment.
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Describe network fundamentals and build simple LANs
- Establish Internet connectivity
- Manage network device security
- Expand small- to medium-sized networks with WAN connectivity
- Describe IPv6 basics
- Identify Cisco industrial networking solutions
- Describe Cisco Industrial Ethernet switches, Rockwell Automation Stratix switches, and Cisco Connected Grid switches and routers
- Interpret design and drawings
- Recognize zone and cell topologies
- Install industrial network components
- Deploy industrial network components
- Perform basic maintenance tasks on the network
- Troubleshoot network and control issues
Contenu de la formation
Module 1: Industrial Networking Concepts and Components
Module 2: General Troubleshooting Issues
Module 3: Ethernet/IP
Module 4: Troubleshooting Ethernet/IP
Module 5: PROFINET
Module 6: Configuring PROFINET
Module 7: Troubleshooting PROFINET
Module 8: Exploring Security Concerns
Module 9: 802.11 Industrial Ethernet Wireless Networking
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Certificat de réalisation de l’action de formation.
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
- Documents supports de formation projetés.
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.
Modalités de certification
- This course also helps you prepare for the Managing Industrial Networks for Manufacturing with Cisco Technologies Certification exam (exam ID 200-601) and (having completed required prerequisites) qualify for the Cisco Certified Network Associate Industrial (CCNA Industrial) certification.